Friday, 13 September 2013


I've always loved writing. Ever since I can remember I've collected notebooks to write stories and poetry. I heard about NaNoWriMo at the end of last October, meaning that realistically, I was too late to get involved. Fast forward 11 months and I'm ready to write 50,000 words! I've been planning my plot and developing my characters over the past few weeks and am very much looking forward to the 1,667 word a day ritual. I've even made a list for when I'm ready to go 'nanowrimo survival' shopping, and buy packs of iced coffee and extra notepads. Maybe I'll keep track of my progress here? Are you getting involved this year? Are you prepared and organised? 

Wednesday, 4 September 2013

What's on my iPhone?

Phones, even though just technology, are a great representation of ourselves. They hold our conversations, our photographs, our pass-times and our inspirations. My iPhone is a chunk of me that I think helps to define myself, and the kind of person I am. Take that as you will...